Western Civilization Worksheets


Martin, Ancient Greece

* Chapter One: Backgrounds of Ancient Greek History
entire chapter

* Chapter Two: From Indo-Europeans to Mycenaeans
entire chapter

* Chapter Three: The Dark Age
entire chapter

* Chapter Four: The Archaic Age
pages 51-59
pages 59-69

* Chapter Five: Oligarchy, Tyranny, and Democracy
pages 70-81
pages 81-93

* Chapter Six: From Persian Wars to Athenian Empire
pages 94-108
pages 109-123

* Chapter Seven: Culture and Society in Classical Athens
pages 124-135
pages 135-146

* Chapter Eight: The Peloponnesian War and Its Aftermath at Athens
pages 147-159
pages 159-173

* Chapter Nine: From the Peloponnesian War to Alexander the Great
pages 174-187
pages 187-197

* Chapter Ten: The Hellenistic Age
pages 198-209
pages 209-221


Daniel-Rops, Church in the Dark Ages

Chapter One: The Saint of the New Age
entire chapter

Chapter Two: The Barbarian Holocaust and the Pillars of the Church
pages 54-71
pages 72-97
pages 97-118

Chapter Three: Byzantium
pages 119-149
pages 149-179

Chapter Four: The Church Converts the Barbarians
pages 179-199
pages 199-218

pages 218-245

Chapter Five: Christians of the Twilight
pages 246-268
pages 268-285
pages 285-293
pages 293-311

Chapter Six: Tragedies and Divisions in the Christian East
pages 312-326
pages 326-332
pages 332-350
pages 350-372

Chapter Seven: The Papacy and the New Empire in the West
pages 373-390
pages 390-405
pages 405-428

Chapter Eight: The Church is Faced With New Dangers
pages 429-442
pages 443-449
pages 449-468
pages 468-483

Chapter Nine: The Byzantine Revival and Separation from Rome
pages 484-494
pages 494-528

Chapter Ten: The Tragic Dawn of the Year 1000
pages 529-539
pages 539-553
pages 553-574
pages 574-599