Name: _____________________

The Church in the Dark Ages Worksheet
chapter ten, pp. 553-574

Fill in the blank

1. In addition to individual baptisms, the Church sought to help in the formation of ‘___________________’ Christians.
2. The __________ of Germany were converted by force, which only sowed hatred of missionaries.
3. The Magyars were converted under the influence of the ‘Duke of Hungary,’ St. _______________.
4. The efficient cause of the evangelization of ____________ was St. Dombrowska. It became a ____________ of Rome.
5. ___________ was the first Nordic prince known to have received baptism, about _____ A.D. Aided by his wife, ________, he strove to convert the ______________.
6. St. ______________, King of Norway, worked successfully to stamp out ________________.
7. The Scandinavians sent out missionaries to ___________, where they found memories of ancient __________ monks, and founded Christian ____________.
8. ___________ became Christian soon after its discovery in the tenth century. ____________, nicknamed ‘the __________,’ recruited Christians from Iceland to come there.
9. In northern Spain, the __________ state was the torch of the faith.
10. The Christians of ____________ initiated the ______________, a plan to retake Spain from the Muslims.
11. The ____________ system was extended across Europe. A close network of church ____________ spread over the countryside.
12. Each parish had its head, known as the ______________, but not yet called curatus (or parish _________ ). He was the true and only immediate __________ of his flock.
13. The parish church was the symbol of ____________. It was supported by ____________.
14. On a higher level was the organization of _________. these men had a jurisdiction far beyond the ____________; it included the _____________ (or suburbium).
15. Many bishops were indefatigable _________________.
16. ___________ was perhaps the institution which resisted better than any other the disintegrating activity of feudalism.
17. The abbey had the threefold means of defense: the _________ of the true king, that of the ___________, and, above all, ____________ exemption. The abbey was a bulwark of ___________ and _____________ in the face of the increasing anarchy of the feudal lords.
18. In Rome, some influential clerics, advisors to the ___________, became known as _____________. They consisted of three categories: _________ bishops, __________ priests, and ___________ deacons.
19. Pope _________ in 1059 A.D., conferred the responsibility of choosing future Popes upon the ___________ of __________.
20. About 1000 A.D. ____________ schools in urban centers tended to support _____________ schools.
21. There were few developments in the study of _____________, only the preservation of the past.
22. Church ______________ developed as new types of structures were built.
23. The Church denounced ___________, the plague of the Dark Ages. It was condemned at numerous Church ________________.
24. The Church’s primary purpose was to protect those _____________, ____________, and ___________ folk who could not defend themselves. This was centered on two ideals: The ________ of God and the ___________ of God.
25. The Church began to demand that __________ stop for certain days of the week or times of the year, under threat of ____________________.
26. Since violence could not be exterminated, it was directed towards another object: the ______________. The feudal bandit was turned into a _____________.
27. The Church offered men of _______________ condition a means of rising to the top of society. ___________, as a boy, was a swineherd. _____________ had been a shepherd.
28. The idea of Christian equality before God also induced the Church to fight for the _____________. The Church led a movement to ___________ them. A number of ____________ led by example.

Short answer

1. Describe the Peace of God.

2. Describe the Truce of God.

3. Discuss the condition of the serfs and what the church did to help.