[Your Name]

A Literary Analysis of _____[Name of Novel], by [Author]_______
(Pages [ ])

Literary Analysis Worksheet for Novels

Step 1: Theme

1. What is the theme of the section?

Step 2: Summary

2. Write a brief summary of the section in no more than 50 words.

Step 3: Point of View

3. What is the point of view of the section?

Step 4: Characters

Provide the following information for each major and minor character in the section (just cut-and-paste if you’ve written about them before).

Major or Minor?
Flat, Round, Static, Dynamic, or Choral?
Relevance of character to the section?

Step 5: Setting

5. What is the setting of the section?

Step 6: Plot

6a. Are there red herrings used of the section? If so, how do they contribute to the section?
6b. Is there any interior monologue in the section? If so, how does it contribute to the section?
6c. What is the crisis in the section?
6d. Is there more than one crisis in the section? Explain where and what happens during each.
6e. How do the crises add suspense to the story?
6f. What is the epiphany in the section?
6g. What is the climax in the section?
6h. What effect do the crises and climax in the section have on the reader?
6i. Is there any foreshadowing in the section?
6j. Is there rising action in the section?
6k.Is there a complication in the section?
6l. What happens to create suspense in the section? Why did this action occur? Is there anything unusual, interesting or effective in this part of the story?
6m. Is there resolution in the section?

Step 7: Imagery

7a. Look for words in the section that appeal to one or more of the senses other than sight, sound, smell, and touch. Provide examples from the text as evidence.
7b. Do these words set a tone, establish a mood, present a character in a new light?
7c. Are there comparisons in the section such as similes or metaphors? Provide examples.

Step 8: Tone and Style

8a. What does the author communicate to the reader through his or her use of words in the section? [bitterness, sorrow, loneliness, romantic, etc.]
8b. What diction does the author use in the section?
8c. What attitude does the author reveal through his or her development of the section?
8d. Is there irony in the section? Is there an ironic point of view, irony of fate or cosmic irony?

Step 9: Symbolism and Perspective

9. Discuss the use of symbolism in the section.

Step 10: Biblical or Classical Allusions

10. Does what you’ve read in the section relate in any way to something you’ve read in the Bible or in other classical literature?

(Adapted in part from: http://www.gc.edu/DistanceEd/English/dtaylor/1302/index.htm)