Philosophy Worksheet
Kreeft, Philosophy 101 by Socrates

1. Please type your answers to these questions. (Handwritten answers will be accepted, but at a 15-point penalty.)
2. Put your name on at the top of the page.
3. Number your answers. Each answer should be at least four sentences long.
4. Print out two copies of your answers -- one for you and one for me -- and bring them to class. Late papers (turned in after the class is over) will earn a zero for the assignment.

I. The Apology of Socrates: Philosophy Defended

4. Philosophy is plain

a. What is the difference between truth and rhetorical tricks?

b. How can rhetoric be made so serve good? How can it be made to serve evil? Give examples.

c. Is Kreeft right to say that advertising is a bad form of rhetoric? Why or why not?

d. Socrates said his speech is not “covered with ornaments.” What does that mean? Could he have had better public speaking skills and still have been faithful to the truth?