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Philosophy Worksheet
Kreeft, Philosophy 101 by Socrates

I. The Apology of Socrates: Philosophy Defended

31. Philosophy is pious

a. Socrates says to his accusers, “I do believe, in a sense in which none of my accusers does.” Explain what he means.

b. Kreeft suggests that Socrates believes in one God (“the god” [ho theos]), while the Athenians believe in many gods. Why is that significant?

c. Justin Martyr, a second century Christian, wrote that Socrates was killed because he tried to deliver men from the demons they called gods:

Carried away by fear and not knowing that these were demons, they called them gods. They gave to each the name which the demon chose for himself. When Socrates tried, by true reason and examination, to bring these things to light and deliver men from the demons, the demons themselves, through wicked men, brought about his death. (First Apology)

What is your opinion? Was Socrates a “pre-Christian”?