Philosophy Worksheet
Kreeft, Philosophy 101 by Socrates

1. Please type your answers to these questions. (Handwritten answers will be accepted, but at a 15-point penalty.)
2. Put your name on at the top of the page.
3. Number your answers. Each answer should be at least four sentences long.
4. Print out two copies of your answers -- one for you and one for me -- and bring them to class. Late papers (turned in after the class is over) will earn a zero for the assignment.

I. The Apology of Socrates: Philosophy Defended

25. Philosophy is invulnerable

a. Socrates says that philosophy (that is, the love of wisdom) makes one invulnerable. What does he mean? Do you agree? Include your view of Jesus’ words in Matthew 10:28.

b. Explain what Socrates means when he says, “Be sure of this, that if you put me to death, being such as I am, you will not hurt me so much as yourselves.” Is it possible for someone who is killed to hurt less than his killer?

c. According to Socrates, can capital punishment ever be justified? Why or why not? How should a Christian respond? Refer to Matthew 26:52, Matthew 27:38, and Romans 13:2-5.

d. A martyr dies for a cause. Is Socrates a martyr? If so, for which cause (or causes) does he die?

e. What does Socrates mean when he refers to the “soul”?