[Your Name]

A Primary Source Analysis of _____[Book/Document], by [Author]_______

Non-Fiction/Primary Source Analysis Worksheet

Step 1: Identifying the Source and Context of the Document

1. Title?

2. Author(s)?

3. Date of writing and/or publication?

4. Place written and/or published?

5. Type of document (speech, letter, etc.)?

6. Author’s purpose in writing?

7. Author’s intended audience?

Step 2: Analyzing the Contents of the Document

8. Main subject of the document?

9. Key people/groups mentioned?

10. Key social/political topics discussed?

11. Points of view expressed?

12. Personal values/biases revealed?

13. Suspected errors or misleading statements?

14. How does this source tie in with anything taught in the Bible?

15. How does this source relate to anything else you’ve learned (in or out of class)?

16. What did you learn from this document?
(Adapted in part from: http://go.hrw.com/resources/go_ss/teacher99/toolkit/TOOLKT01.pdf)