Personal Narrative | Jonathan Edwards


Plot Summary


An enlightening account of Edwards’ life and conversion. It is a defense of “pure spiritual emotion [as distinct] from the horde of imitations” (Perry Miller).


Author and Date



Historical Background





1.      Importance of inner conversion (not outward displays of religiosity)

2.      Heart is central to true spirituality

3.      Beauty of Christ condescending to sinners like us

4.      Faith cannot be reduced to ethics or morality, no matter how important

5.      Importance of revivalism in American history

6.      Personal faith and revival – some say revivals in England spared that country the bloodbath of the French Revolution, where there were no equivalent revivals like that spurred on by the Wesleys, Whitefield, etc.

7.      How Sept. 11 helps us to see the reality of evil in the world, and not just the good

8.      Others??


