Name: _____________________

Ancient Greece Worksheet
chapter six, pp. 94-108

Fill in the blank

1. Because they feared further intervention by ________ , in 507 B.C. the Athenians sent ambassadors to seek a protective alliance with _______, king of _________.
2. The ________ Empire was at the time the ____________, ___________, and most ____________ powerful state in the ancient world.
3. When the Athenians asked for help, the others replied, “But who in the _________ are you and ______do you live?” Yet within ___ generations, Athens would be in control of its own ___________.
4. From the time of the Isagoras incident, _________ viewed Athens as a hostile state. The feeling was mutual.
5. Meanwhile, the Persians had expanded _______ and then controlled the Greek city-states in ____________.
6. The Athenians unilaterally dissolved their defensive pact with __________. This led to ________, which Martin likened to an ___________ going against a swarm of ___________.
7. The Persians defeated the ______, who had joined with Babylonia to destroy the __________ kingdom in 612 B.C.
8. The Persian monarch exacted _____ from its heterogeneous population. He wore ______ robes, walked on red _________, and his servants did not want to _______ the same air he did. He provided meals for ______ nobles, courtiers, and other followers every day, yet he ate _______ from the view of his guests.
9. The Persians kings did regard themselves as _____, but only as ______ of the supreme god of the Persian religion, ________________. Their religion was based on the teachings of the prophet ________________. Their religion saw the world as a constant battle between ______ and __________. Persian kings did not interfere with the _________ practices or everyday __________ customs of their subjects.
10. The _______ Wars began when the Greek city-states of ___________ revolted against _________ rule in ____ B.C. This region had been in the _______ kingdom, but was claimed by _______ in the 540s B.C.
11. When the Greek city-states asked for the mainland for help, the ___________ king refused. The men of the ___________ assembly voted to support the revolt. The revolt was _______ by the Persians, yet some of the city-states in Ionia were permitted to have __________ regimes in place of the unpopular ____________.
12. King _____ of Persian was irate when he learned that the _________ had supported the Ionian revolt, and vowed to retaliate. However, since he was afraid he’d forget, he ordered one of his _____ to say to him ____ times at every meal, “Sire, ________ the Athenians.”
13. In ____ B.C. a flotilla of ______ carrying troops landed in Attica near a village called _____________. The Persians brought _________, hoping to install him as _______ of Athens.
14. Since the Persians outnumbered the Athenian hoplite militia, the Athenians asked the ________ and other Greek ________ for help. The Athenian courier ran the ______ miles from Athens in less than ____ days. Everyone expected the ________ to win, and the Athenian generals were afraid that the assembly might _________.
15. The Athenians decided to compensate for their smaller numbers by putting more men on the ______ of their battle line. Commanded by General ____________, the Athenians sent their _______ against the Persian line at a dead ______ in their ______ armor under a hail of ____________. Once engaged in _________ combat, the Athenian hoplites won. Then the ________ of the Athenian line defeated their Persian counterparts and turned inward to crush the Persian ________. The Persians were driven back to a ________.
16. The Athenians then raced ____ miles to ______ to guard the city against a Persian __________ attack.
17. The defeat of the Persians had _______ importance that far outweighed its military significance.
18. This confidence was needed when the Persians invaded Greece again in ____ B.C. King _______ launched the invasion force of ________ and _______ against the Greek mainland. The Persian army required _____ days and night of continuous marching to cross the ____________ on a ___________ bridge. The Persians expected the Greeks to ________ once they saw the Persian forces.
19. ____ Greek city-states formed an alliance against the Persian invaders, and the city-state of _________ was chosen as its leader. These valiant soldiers held off the Persians for _______ days at the narrow pass called _______________. Only when a local Greek told them about a route _______ the pass were the Persians able to massacre the Spartans by attacking them from the front and the rear simultaneously and moving in southern Greece.
20. The Spartans were so unintimidated by the Persian army that they took time out to _____ their long hair! When told of the Persian arrows darkening the sky, the Spartans said, “That’s good news. We will get to fight in the ______.”
21. Once the Persians came close to Athens, the residents _____ the city. The Athenian commander, ___________, then led his forces into a ________ battle off in a channel between the island of Salamis and the west coast of Attica. The city-state of _______ contributed many of the ships because they had been building them for a number of years.
22. The _______ Greek ships could employ their underwater ______ to sink the less sturdy Persian craft.
23. Xerxes, when learning that his most successful naval commander against the Greeks was a _________, he reportedly exclaimed, “My ______ have become _________, and my _________, ___________.”
24. The Greeks won at Salamis, but the Persians left forces behind and offered to make the Athenians __________ overlords over the other Greek city-states if the Athenians ___________ to the Persians. The ________ refused, the city was again ________, and Athens was sacked for the second time in two years. The combined efforts of the city-states of __________ (on land) and _____________ (on sea) defeated the Persians once again.
25. The Greek determination to fight demonstrated courage inspired by a deep devotion to the ideal of political _______________.
26. The _______ Empire came about a result of the voluntary _________ against Persia, which Athens directed under the leadership of _____________ (c. 525-645 B.C.). The Spartans at the time thought of the Athenians as friendly ________.
27. Those city-states still vulnerable to Persian attack formed a ________ under Athenian command, with later became known as the _______ League (see p. 107). Those city-states in southern Greece remained allies of Sparta and formed the _____________ League.
28. The Athenian men serving on naval ships were from the poorest ______ class.
29. Athenian allies were eventually forced to follow Athenian commands because they eventually lacked ___________ of their own. The dues they paid Athens were for the building and maintenance of a _______. By the middle of the firth century, Athens was getting about $____ million (in current dollars) from other city-states.

Short answer

1. Discuss the creation of the Persian Empire and its rise to power.

2. What were the characteristics of the Persian monarchs of this time?

3. What advice did the Oracle at Delphi give King Croesus? What was the result?

4. How did the Athenians manage to defeat the Persians in 490 B.C?